Shantesica Gilliam, MPH

Research & Evaluation Associate

Shantesica Gilliam, PhD, is part of the Doctoral Scholars Program of the Southern Regional Educational Board at the University of Georgia. She received a Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion and Behavior and a Master in Public Health at the same institution.

At UMC, Shantesica assists Dr. Broomfield-Massey with qualitative and quantitative evaluation for Usher’s New Look and the United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC), among other organizations.

Shantesica’s research interests include health disparities, trauma, violence, and maternal and sexual health. Her current dissertation examines trauma pathways and their impact on HIV risk behavior among Black adolescents entering adulthood. 

Shantesica’s approach combines implementation science, mixed-methods design, cultural adaptation, and intersectionality as a social justice framework. She aspires to have an academic career centered on community-engaged scholarships, where groups collaborate in research, service, and teaching spaces.

In her spare time, you can find Shantesica supporting families in their birthing journeys, teaching yoga, baking, and binging movies.